Are Possible!
Lord knows I didn't think it could happen, but it has!
50,000 words in a month!
To all the NaNo's out there, GREAT job! This took a lot of sacrifice, hard work, and a lot of toil in fighting that inner critic.
My inner critic was a brat!
I showed her, though!
I did the prologue in third person and without thinking twice, switched to first on chapter one!
Here's the best's STILL sitting like that in my computer. (teehehe)
I found myself looking forward to spending time with my characters, and with God writing without care of what was left in the wake.
I finally just threw a story down like the first layer of primer to the painter.
I'm NOT so excited to go back and tweak, respell...okay, BUTCHER the thing, but hey, you can't edit a blank page!
I LOVED this push.
I needed that one.
Here is the rundown of how I was working on before NaNo (which I plan on fully continuing this story in the morning, just a lot differently now that I can do it)
-I did three first drafts of the thing.
-I plotted (slowly, detailed) for a full month and worked out all the bugs (not finished plotting, though! Only about 1/3rd of the way through)
-Still looking at part of the draft and not happy with it.
-Going to work on that tomorrow.
Here's the rundown of how I did the NaNo book.
-Plotted for 2 days
-Wrote for 30
-To edit when I finish previous WIP (4th) first draft.
The good news?
All those stories that are flying in my head are going to get put down a lot more quickly now that I know I can do it.
Here's to November, and December and January, and Feb...
Juggle I must...
How did your NaNo go?
Have you ever done it?
What did you learn from it?
Will you do it again?